Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ring the Alarm

Best song to wake up to? (Besides a Mariah song - speaking of which, if you haven't seen me in my video debut, you can check it out here - Mariah Carey - I Want to Know What Love is, Gotta love MC! I'm about one minute in, and on and on, with my girls who were also asked to be in it by the one and only herself! <3 ) yeah a bit of self promotion. Okay so I got off track...but I guess I'll come back to the original track and right now I'm going to go off on a bit of a tangent....excuse my word vomit. Thanks.

After watching this video that was filmed back in September of '09, you have NO idea how much I cried. I mean I was totally happy that M wanted us in her video. The problem was, I was/am FAT. I figured they'd put make up on me, have me in wardrobe and I'd be FIERCE. NOT! I went into wardrobe and couldn't fit ANYTHING. Finally they found me some spandex pants ha, oh the 80's. It wasn't so bad, I mean the stylist was totally cool about it and extremely sweet (even gave me a betsey johnson necklace to take home!). But, overall...I was disappointed. My make up was FIERCE, my hair game was TIGHT...my body and that double chin? EMBARASSING. Mariah fans all over the world already hate me. Yet when this video came out, the fans WENT IN on me. It was horrid. Not to mention Hype Williams was directing the shoot and all I could think about was how fat he probably thought I was. I also thought, yeah he's putting me in the middle because I'm the biggest and he's balancing it out.

I don't want to go back to feeling like that. If someone calls tomorrow and says "M wants you in her new xmas video, you down"? I wanna feel like YEAH AND I look good! Every news piece or entertainment piece I've ever been in (minus '02 w/ M) I've been fat. It's not a good look. Just google, you'll see. It's really not cute.

Okay so I digress...enough of the above diatribe. Sorry about that folks. I just get so caught up in the way I look sometimes and never focus on the positives...something W tried to tell me to do today.

So...back to the original scheduled programming. What is the best song to wake up to, besides a Mariah one? Ring The Alarm - Beyonce .

Needless to say, this should have been my alarm this morning. I totally overslept. Getting out of bed is the HARDEST part of working out. See, the most important thing to me is that I work out in the morning. When working out before eating your body is forced to feed off of fat in order to get energy. On top of that, how many people actually work out after work and continuously do that 5x a week? I just know, for myself, I couldn't do that.

With 15 minutes to get ready and get in the car, I had the fastest shower known to man, my teeth were probably not brushed properly and my hair was a hot mess. Whatever. I went and once again, as I actually got into my car, I realized I was glad I was going.

I literally almost decided to stay home today and I'm so glad I didn't. Y was back today! So glad because when she is there, or F is there, I find I push myself harder. Today I rated myself at a 4.5. I would have rated myself a 5, except at the end I began to slack off during push-ups.

In case you're wondering, I did drink my milk. =)

A few people asked me to list what I eat for dinner so I'm going to post this weeks menu. Please remember when reading it that I am eating what *I* deem is appropriate for me. I change it up from time to time and I watch my intake during the day. This is JUST dinner:

Monday: 1 Turkey Burger (99% lean meat) on whole wheat bun and BBQ Beans.
-This is good because D can then put cheese and whatever else he wants on his burger and eat as many as he wants. He really doesn't eat the beans tho. Naughty Naughty! They are GOOD for you! It's also good because if you make one extra you can take it to work the next day and that alone will do you good for lunch =)

Tuesday - 1 crabcake baked and 1 cup of rice with carrots and peas.

Wednesday - Turkey chili! (1 1/2 cups)

Thursday -I'm going out to eat Thai w/ friends =) I'll let you know what I order.

Friday - Salmon & green beans

And that's all she wrote folks! This blog has to be filled w/ so much incorrect grammar! Sorry! I am on a time crunch!


All of your comments, suggestions and love is SO SO appreciated!


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