Friday, January 14, 2011

One Week of Our 8-Week Challenge DOWN!

Woohoo! Hellllllllllllooooooo!

So, as the title suggests, we have officially ended week 1 of the 8 week challenge. I have stayed on plan the entire time and my body is really responding!

I have upped my weights from 5lbs to 8lbs and I feel GREAT!!!! Today's work out was definitely tough. There were about 20 different stations, some of which included, planks, russian twists, push ups, heavy ass ropes, tricep dips, suicides, etc. which had to each be done for a minute. We all rotated. In between switching to the next exercise we all would have to do 30 seconds of jumping jacks or burpees or high knees or well...whatever W said to do haha. I went through so much water today...I'm exhausted!!! Yet...I feel GREAT!

My body is truly responding, I have not been sore all week. I think I am FINALLY getting to a point where I am "in shape". Dare I say that?! I mean, I had a bit of soreness in my arms from upping the weights but it was nothing really out of the ordinary or crazy. I feel good.

Anyway, I'm off!!! I'm hoping that on Monday (official weigh-in day) I am AT LEAST down 3lbs from the start of our challenge a week ago. My body needed to get back on track and I'm so happy I am finally there!

Let's see what Monday brings. =) Next week I will also be posting before and after (or current) photos. Yay! Those always make me feel ten times worse about myself but eh, it has to be done for bookkeeping sake. Ha!

Tonight I am off to see a Broadway show with the mans mother and then this weekend I have a birthday party (no drinking for me!) on Saturday and then on Sunday or Monday, D and I have a romantic dinner planned at a place that makes fondue. =/ Needless to say I'll really have to work that off the next morning or just watch my calorie intake the rest of the day.


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